Create your online store
Website ConfiguratorGet a stunning online store in 3 easy steps. |
Building blocksDrag & drop building blocks with business features. Customize blocks from the content to the layout. |
Professional ThemesAll themes are available in standard, out-of-the-box, for free. There is one theme for each industry. |
Mobile FriendlyWebsite content is automatically adapted to mobile devices : no complex backend to deal with. |
Business FeaturesYour eCommerce is integrated with other Odoo modules, such as Helpdesk or CRM. |
Sell products online
Products VariantsCreate a product available in several variants, such as size, colors, or other attributes. |
Products ComparatorLet your visitors compare products together based on their attributes. |
PricelistsCreate and display different pricelists according to your customer's profile. |
Run multiple storesSell on multiple stores on the same database. Share products between websites. |
B2B storeMake the shop only accessible for allowed users, and display different pricelists. |
Marketplaces IntegrationsSell on multiple channels by integrating your items on eBay and Amazon. |
SubscriptionsGenerate recurring revenues by selling subscription products on your website. |
Digital ProductsSell digital products like eBooks on your website. |
Lead GenerationUse the visitors tracking system to generate new leads. |
Drop shippingSend delivery requests directly to your suppliers. |
Product AvailabilityChoose to sell your products based on your stock levels. Display quantities in stock and set alerts. |
Product ReviewsLet people review and rate your products by commenting. |
Tax RatesAdapt tax rates based on fiscal positions. |
Import/Export ProductsImport or export your products description, prices, and pictures in bulk. |
Maximize Revenues
Accessories & Suggested ProductsUpsell your customers by suggesting complementary products during the buying process. |
Abandoned cartsTrigger marketing automation on abandoned carts to convert them into orders. |
Email Marketing CampaignsGet visitors' emails and send automated promotional actions to your customers. |
Email TemplatesCreate customized email templates to reach your customers. |
Link TrackerAdd a tracking code to your URLs and measure all your marketing campaigns from the first click to the final sale. |
LivechatAnswer your visitors' questions instantly. Messages pop up on your backend. |
Coupon & CodesEncourage potential customers to use promo codes and coupons. |
Gift CardsSell gift cards online. Gift cards can be used in POS as well. |
Shopping Experience
Real-time DashboardTrack your visitors in real time and connect to the most interesting ones in a single click: push notification, live chat, SMS, etc. |
Customers PortalVisitors get instant access to their documents such as support tickets, invoices, projects, tasks, etc. |
Search BarFind products easily by using the integrated search bar. |
Wish ListShoppers can add products to a wish list. Returning customers will use it to buy their favorite items faster. |
Easy Checkout ProcessThe checkout process is straightforward. Add extra custom steps if needed. |
Payment & Shipping
Payment ProvidersAllow customers to pay with PayPal, Ingenico, Adyen, and SIPS Worldline or create your own payment methods. |
Calculate Shipping CostsGet delivery costs computed automatically using Odoo's embed Delivery Method configurator. |
Shipping ConnectorsSpeed up your shipment process and track your orders from Odoo with DHL, UPS, USPS, FedEx, and La Poste shipping connectors. |
Sales Data AnalyticsAnalyze your sales based on sold quantities and revenues or group them based on the Partner behind the sales |
Google Analytics IntegrationKnow your customers' behavior and get information on your acquisition channels, demographics, number of visitors, etc. |
DashboardThe next actions to do are available on the dashboard: orders to invoice, payments to receive, shoppers to revive, etc. |
Customizable GraphsDisplay a graph with your weekly, monthly or annual sales per product and add it to your dashboard. |
Domain NameUse your own domain name on your Odoo website. |
UpgradesBenefits from a free upgrade at every new Odoo version. |
Cloud hosting or On PremiseOdoo provides free hosting, but you can decide to host it on your own server. |
SupportGet support from our team via our helpdesk center. |
Free SSL CertificateGet your free SSL certificate automatically on cloud-hosted websites. |
OpensourceYou have full control over the development of new features or design themes. |
Code EditorCustomize your website by adapting the HTML, CSS, and JS code directly from the frontend. Save your changes instantly. |